Monday, May 08, 2006

there is so many fucken ideiots in the world. this anon person sent me a message. ill bold what he said and go thru it point by point.

haha. your life sux, hey, lets change it hey ?

Blog Entry Ala Emo Wanker
Today, my life sucked. My dad wouldn't let me have my own way. my teacher gave me a bad grade on my poetry cause it was crap and full of bad english. my life is so crap, im so sad, wah wah wah, i'm non-confirming, wah wah wah.

ok, first things first, this guy (or girl, ill say guy for the sake of argruement) can't read. WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK KEITH IS MY FATHER? I KEEP SAYING STEPDAD, STEPDAD, STEPDAD ALL THE TIME. DONT YOU FUCKS KNOW HOW TO READ ENGLISH?

a father is someone who watches you grow up, who you have a bilogical attatchment to. keith is just some guy who my mum started going out with when my dad wasnt around. after six months he moved his stuff in and now hes been living in my house for over a year. did i have a say in it? no. did he watch me grow up? no. he probably doesnt even know my middle name.

Blog entry ala not-so-emo-wanker:
Today, my life was crappy. My dad wouldnt pay for me to go to a concert, so i decided to get a job and earn some money myself so i could go to teh concert. I'm amazed at how much more PURPOSE I have in life now.

this one people always say. like i havent tried getting a job. well heres some information for you: i typed up a resume to work at coles (with alyson, who said they had openings). i asked my mum if she could look at my resume and she and my stepdad both said, and this is a direct quote:


so they give me $10 a week pocket money and sometimes money for other things (not often, but sometimes for concerts or secial things once in a bluemoon) but that's nowhere near enough, even if i save up for a concert.

And I realise how hard my dad has to work to earn my money, and that it DOESN'T just grow in the backyard.

oh like i dont know that money doesnst grow on trees. i have to save up for three weeks to buy a dvd you fucker. anyway keith is a security gaurd so all he does is stand around all day, litteraly.

Because my teacher told me my last poem was crap, i wrote a new one, and because it wasn't bitching about how im so non-conforming, i got a better mark.

my english teachers allways have it in for me because i write dark poetry and not the usuall 'life is great' crap they can put in the school annual.

Also, I went out with some friends and had fun.

yeah, when i can aford to, or im not grounded.

say if im not grounded and i have like $20 or something, ill ask my mum if i can go out. usualy she'll let me go to the city or the movies in the day time or something or at burra plaza with harley and alyson, but if i want to go to a party at night i always have 20 questions and have to give the house number and get dropped off and then picked up at 1 am at the VERY latest (but usualy at like 11.30 or 12). and if i go to alyson or harleys on the weekend to sleep just to hang out they say they have to drop me off and have a 'chat' to their parents.

My life isn't so bad.

how the fuck would you know, you don't know me. and yes, yes, starving childeren in africa, people dying of cancer. that makes me feel more guilty, coz i supposedly have this really lucky life and im so unhappy. so fuck you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya know, emo fag, your life still sounds like a pretty normal teenage life.
Stop bitching already.

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus christ grow up already. Pretty much all parents are like that, it's not like you're growing up in a Nazi concentration camp or something. Do what the rest of us do, lie your arse off and rebel instead of being so fucken depressed.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy fucking shit, u wear a blazer with a black fringe and listen to 'emo' music an suddenly ur an individual. the fact that u refer to urself as an emo,the word made up to describe and insult tryhards, means that ur conforming to what u think 'emo' is. plus half the bands u apparently listen to would kill themselves if they knew they were being affiliated with the emo classification, why won't u just die? no wonder no one likes u, ur a fucking child who thinks everyones against him and actually thinks he's better than everyone else, but anyone who reads this can see how sad and lonely and pathetic u are. and yes 15 is a child, u have no fucking rights so stop pretending people are violating them, u cant even fuck for another year, not that that'll be a problem for u. and no doubt ull write in ur blog about how girls dont understand u and that its their loss. heres a peom for u:
im an emo
everyone thinks im gay
i dont dress like a boy
my stepdad says so
strangely enough
my name is courtney
isn't that a girls name?


by the way, have sex with carl, let ur trouybles melt away between his thies, hes a keeper.

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh you Dick. I jsut read your blogger profile. I can assume you mean Kurt Cobain ?
And you think he became a sellout ?

Prey tell, which Nirvana tracks do you like the most ? and how exactly would you define him as a sellout, and how much, exactly, do you REALLY know about the band ?

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Courtney you are fucking awesome, don't let anybody try and tell you otherwise. I have a crush on you, your poetry really speaks to me. Stay true.


8:26 PM  
Blogger Cass said...

"When I was a kid..." It wasn't emo, it was teen angst bullshit. Trust me, I know because I would have been emo if I were your age today.

Punk, goth, grunge, emo...whatever.

Just please, please, please stop butchering the English language. If your favourite books really are Perfume and Catcher in the Rye, you should know better.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Cass said...

Meanwhile, to the person who wrote the third, long and most grotesquely malformed comment I have ever see:

Let's hope the rule of three doesn't apply to you, because with all the hate and bad grammer you're sending out into the universe, you're in for somereally, really bad karma....

Believe it or not, the internet was not developed so that you could post hatemale to strangers.

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey cass, ur a cunt

5:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, thats precisely what the internet was created for.
Hatemail for the win.

i notice Courtney hasn't posted in a while.
Maybe his parents have removed his internet priveleges ?

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

two weeks ago courtny committed suicide. having tried in vain to slash his wrists with a safety razor, and failing to overdose on cough medicine he attempted to drink himself to death, however being a little bitch he had about a half shot of vodka before he threw up. courtny then jumped in front of a parked car. eventually some guy apparently took mercy on the winging faggot and mugged and stabbed him, killing him, crying. gotta find who that guy was, send him a card.

courtney's mum

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

where did you leave the remote?

12:00 AM  

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