Monday, December 19, 2005

my weekend sucked. harley and alyson both went to greenday and jimmy eat world and my chemical romance and i couldnt because i didnt get a ticket. my asshole stepdad told my mum that $91 was too much money for a ticket. i said what about getting one for my birthday and he was all 'is your birthday on the 17th?' (when the concert was) and i was all 'no but it can be an early birthday present' and he said no and that all the moshing might be dangrous and he's just such a dick.

so today alyson and harley were all like 'omg it was the coolest concert ever' and alyson kept saying billy joe looked really cute and they kept singing jimmy eat world songs and it made me so angry i said 'you guys are so fucking insensitive, you know how much i wanted to go' and i ran off to the toilet and stayed there for about ten minutes but i didnt have my ipod so i got kind of bored. but im still pretty angry at harley becuase he didnt come after me and see if i was ok. i spent the rest of the day avoiding them. if none of them call me tonight to see if im ok i'll wear a bandage on my wrist when i meet up with them tomorrow. sometimes i cut myself a little bit but oly on my arm, like not on my vains or anything. but its just a good way to get out some anger or depression or stuff.

so anyway my birthday is next week and i turn 15 but ill say more about that later. and im on school holidays now which is good but a little boring so far we'll see.


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