oh man, today we had a sausage sizzle fundraiser at school for amnisty international and kids in africa.
i lined up to see if they had coldslaw because im vegatarian but they only had saussages. i asked the chick (some year seven) and she said they only had meat and i said well thats not fair and she said well cant you just buy it and throw it out because then we can get more money for the kids and im like DONT THROW OUT FOOD, THE THING IS FOR STARVING CHILDEREN IN AFRICA, and i couldnt help it i just started crying. it was just, like, too ironic, too real.
and the year 7 went to get the president of amnisty whos this really popular year 12 chick and she said 'why are crying? just donate sme money then, i don't understand' and i said I WOULDN'T EXPECT YOU TO UNDERSTAND, and threw a two dollar coin into the bucket and walked off.
but then i remembered that i needed that $2 for lunch and when i got back to where harley and alyson were haivng lunch i couldn't even scab off them because they had both finished lunch and didnt have any money.
so then i was so hungary for period 6 and 7 after lunch, which was english then history. thru english i kept getting hungar pangs but then during history it was unbearable. so i went to the sick bay and lied down for the last part of the day, then i went home and ate almost the whole block of cheese. my stepdad will be pissed but i dont care.
i lined up to see if they had coldslaw because im vegatarian but they only had saussages. i asked the chick (some year seven) and she said they only had meat and i said well thats not fair and she said well cant you just buy it and throw it out because then we can get more money for the kids and im like DONT THROW OUT FOOD, THE THING IS FOR STARVING CHILDEREN IN AFRICA, and i couldnt help it i just started crying. it was just, like, too ironic, too real.
and the year 7 went to get the president of amnisty whos this really popular year 12 chick and she said 'why are crying? just donate sme money then, i don't understand' and i said I WOULDN'T EXPECT YOU TO UNDERSTAND, and threw a two dollar coin into the bucket and walked off.
but then i remembered that i needed that $2 for lunch and when i got back to where harley and alyson were haivng lunch i couldn't even scab off them because they had both finished lunch and didnt have any money.
so then i was so hungary for period 6 and 7 after lunch, which was english then history. thru english i kept getting hungar pangs but then during history it was unbearable. so i went to the sick bay and lied down for the last part of the day, then i went home and ate almost the whole block of cheese. my stepdad will be pissed but i dont care.
ahahaha. haha. haha. bahahaha. wahahah. thats so funny.
in fact, its just so god damn EMO.
every so often, you say somethin that makes me think "wait.. maybe its not a parody"
then, you come out with comedic gold like this.
fuckin hilarious.
Don't worry about it Court...The whole vegetarian scene is a lot better out of high school. What about your hunger?...your needs? No one seems to care anymore.
Courtney, don't you know that milk EXPLOITS COWS? And cheese is made from MILK?
How could be you so cruel to cows?!?
And here I was, thinking you were a sensitive guy.
PS. Word verification?
ahhh I doubt Court would be so insenstive to be drinking normal milk. He clearly meant soy milk. Why don't you actually read what Court was trying to say...the injustices against vegetarians.
Yeh, it always sucks when people are having a barbeque and there isn't any vegetarian stuff. You want to help and donate but you can't. Most of the time when our school has BBQs they also sell drinks, so I normally buy one of them.
My canteen doesn't sell any food for vegetarians other than thin chips,and some of them aren't even vegetarian.
I don't normally take any food to school to eat so when I get home I am normally starving. I couldn't eat a whole block of cheese though, I think it tastes disgusting by itself.
Year seven kids are always so annoying, and ignorant. When your in year seven your all like "hey, what's the big deal?", but then next year you understand just why everybody hates year sevens.
I really enjoy reading your blog. Blogs are awesome. I
Cheer up, emo! I'll get you a soy sausage. And a piece of cheese.
This is one of the best parody sites ever...
i hear courtney likes special sorts of sausage.. but he doesnt' chew them, just licks them....
Courtney do you want my number or not? I live in your area. I respect you and I feel a connection with you through your unique writing style. Look...I want to go out with other guys, but I want to explore a relationship with you first. I know it sounds weird, but I feel like I really know you.
Love me as I love you and don't ever look at that girl tahnee again. She is not right for you. I can't believe you don't have high school girls all over you. I may be older, but you are my age in intelligence and maturity.
You don't update often enough...answer my questions! :)
ruby, you serioulsy need to get some cock into you.
first off, ruby, thanks for getting me. your like your name: a precious jewel in a world of dirt. also, email me with your number if you want, or just msn me. im hardly ever online coz we dont have the internet at home, but sometimes i can go on at harley or alyson's places.
Fezzik: yeah but milk isnt KILLING THEM. plus my mum makes me eat dairy for calsium.
paper crane: thanks, you had some good advise and it was great to hear someone else gets me. you rock.
and to all the anons, what the fuck ever, you know?
ruby, why dont you just fuck off, ive been commenting courtney for like 44 years. i remember seeing his reflection in my helmet during the great wars of the ming dynasty. you are a slut and anyway, who cares what you win, if you come first in the paralympics, you are still retarted. courtney, im yours forever and ever. love sarah-jane.
im not a vegetarian, i like the taste of cow. i also like the taste of milk. 1 + 1 = 2.
thanks sarah-jane, but dont worry, everryone can coment. besides ruby has a boyfriend so it all ok.
this post reminds me of a song i heard by a band called last dying thought. it was about vegitarians and how noone respects their wants and needs. this post broke my heart, i hate barbeques. i wish they could just understand what theyre doing to all the animals. they should have cheese barbeques where everyone has a block of cheese each. that would save the irony of the cows world to be placed inside a precious jewel in this world of dirt. remember, meat is only awesome when its attached to bone and its living.
i'm not going to bother posting a negative comment but i am going to offer some advice:
have you thought that maybe you could look at this experience in a POSITIVE light?
by donating the $2 you have helped a worthy cause, whether you got a sausage out of it or not, in fact you have helped them more by not expecting something in return. also, you're little accidental hunger strike has allowed you to have a connection with these starving kids you care about.
have you considered doing the 40-hour famine? or perhaps you could give up something for Lent? or try fasting during Ramadan? whether you're religious or not is beside the point, just do it for the experience if not you're immortal soul.
had you considered buying a sausage anyway and giving it to someone else who isn't vegetarian? i'm sure they would have appreciated the random act of kindess, it might have made thier day :)
you see how easy it is to make a difference, even if it is a small difference? it's much more constructive than sitting on the roof and crying. if you really want people to give a damn about you, you have to give a damn about them too.
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