Saturday, January 06, 2007

well my birthday and new years sucked as usual. but im 16 now so i guess thats cool.

i dont know if i told you but my bithdays on dec 25. mum always makes me a birthday cake to have with christmas lunch and then everyone complains about how singing happy birthday isnt christmassy. like i can help when i was born. like i can help anything.

but it got me thinking abuot jesus and stuff. like, im not sure if i beleve in god or not but jesus probably existed. and he would have gone through the same stuff because alyson told me that theres a pagan festival that used to be celebrated on his birthday, like, before he was famous.

i started thinking about other paralels with me and jesus, and i wrote this poem on christmas night, because i didn't get a ipod or a wii:

one born in a stable
one born unstable

the mangers animals looking over one
the sheep of sosciety looking over t'other

both escewed from the community
for being different

both hated and revelied
for being different

but both still authentic
dont want to conform

his water into wine
is my art

my real father is the lord, he said
but i also have a stepdad on earth

keith is no joseph
a truck driver not a carpenter

and my real dad
like god


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omg, for a whiny pretend-emo that was pretty good.

Kudos, Shambo!

9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck off you sooky little sprog. So you didn't get an iPod or a Wii? You've been soooo hard done by. Is that where you draw your inspiration from for your poetry? Ha ha ha. You are "hated and revelied" by everyone because you are a spoilt brat, not because you are unique. Selfish little cunt

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious dude. OK so you don't want to conform, but you do want an ipod or a wii.

I do hope you got a shoe horn so you can lodge your head further up your arse.

1:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you just compare yourself to jesus?

i can understand if you compared yourself to jesus m thompson who was named after christ by his half crazy father who was a cat but thats because thompson was a wankstain. regardless of whether or not christ is real, you are still one of the longest and most infected missing foreskins i have ever come into contact with.

12:58 AM  
Blogger Anitsirhc said...

I havent read all of your blog.....but I read a few of your poems. You have talent. Honest talent.

I wanted to comment are 16 years wont suck like this forever. I remember have **very** similar feelings when i was your age...I *loathed* being a teenager. It will get better when that hormonal turmoil settles down.
I wish you well.

P.S. scholars indicate that Jesus was not born on Dec 25th. Just as a by the by. You may want to "google" that and look into it. It's pretty interesting lol.

3:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay dude, here is the truth, you are 15, tough shit, you think you are special because your fuckin step dad moved in without your permission, well hell, i dont see your name on the ownership, rent, lease whatever it is that your family has. Also, boo fuckin hoo, you only get one present a year at xmas time....AT LEAST YOU HAVE A FUCKING ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD...
I do understand where you are coming from, i was 16 once too, it is tough, it is depressing at times, it can be a big challenge to try and fit in, people are arseholes, that's just life, and when you are 16 you just have to deal.. just like the rest of us had to.
Your mum sounds like she loves you, she is looking out for best interests, and what do you do in return, get on the net and tell the whole world about how unfair it is to have a stepdad!!!! So what, your mum is not supposed to like/love anyone and only concentrate on you??? Selfish. You are NOT AN ADULT YOU DONT GET A SAY. Yes your feelings need to be taken into consideration, yes your stepdad should try not to 'hurt your feelings' but you are always going to have people who do that, once again, thats the sad truth...
Society is not pushing you down, your inflated sense of what society apparently owes you is brining you down.. Society owes you nothing, you live in the greatest country, fairest country on earth, you are to young to get taxed, you are to young to worry about house, car, electricity, water, rates, phone bills, clothing costs, food. (who by the way pays for the black clothes you are wearing??? Do you knit?? or is it the mum and stepdad that you hate so much??) but boo friggin hoo, i didnt get an ipod, wii, nokia don't want to conform and yet you want some of the most expensive, big brand name products available... And that music you listen to, it is a brand of music too, emo, so reealy u are just conforming to a differnt group of people, instead of a jock, nerd, geek, whatever, you are an EMO YOU ARE CONFORMING TO A SOCIAL GROUP idiot.
You are getting an education, yeah its a government public education, but no education is worse, at least you can spell your own name.
maybe you could move to a country where 16 year olds can work, and be treated like an adult, lets see how much you like living there, the trade off is that their society is shit, ours might repress you a bit but it is for your own protection.
You have it better than millions of people worldwide. Nobody like you because you think society OWES you something just because you were born in this country??? FUCK OFF!!!

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really won't feel this bad forever...

1:34 PM  
Blogger matt said...

Sucks to have your birthday on Christmas (not that mine is but I got a few friends who even hate being in the same month). The poem is pretty angsty and it's WWJD in reverse.

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck all you people read into this shit like it's real.

Comparing yuorself to Jesus ?
Please ! save society from the wrath of the evil non-beleivers, oh son-of-god Courtney.
ARe you going to be resurrected for EasteR ?

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have no idea kid.

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're awesome. I love that people are getting outraged by this bullshit. Even those dickheads at TSSH have linked to you. Keep emo-ing it up.

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WE'RE dickheads at TSSH??? Fuck you cunt. You're a dickhead if you think we're dickheads. Just you wait 'til we find out who you are. Our minions are many.

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This isnt a real website - its just some marketing ploy.

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, a 16 year old can work in Australia, and they do get taxed on their income. Assuming that they make over so much per week. True they will probably get some, if not all of it back at tax time, but they still pay tax.

Your fucking clown shoes.

I do however belive that this could be a marketing ploy for a new brand of EMO jeans or something. Maybe even a EMO telecommunications company.

And who is this Shambo?

7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so courtney, i'm waiting to hear a poem from you about how much it sucks being back at school, and how they are trying to make you fit in and be one of the herd, but you are rebelling and being an emo to be individual.

please. my heart burns for you.

7:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys.

is no-one here perhaps the tiniest bit suspicous that this may be in some way a satirical gag?

Its pretty funny that your 150 word rant is being laughed at hysterically by people smarter than you, probably right now!

I'm sure 'Courtney' is totally glad you gave him all that advice. FFS.

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's satirical, no doubt about it.

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course its satirical. did you ever doubt that ?

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you Shambo, I want to have your babies!

Love from to shy to reveal my real name.

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... way this blog/blogger is for real.

10:25 PM  

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